Monday, September 22, 2014

The Suburbanite's Guide to the City

Far away from the super malls and the block parties, from well-lit sidewalks and friendly neighbors is a dark mysterious place that many go but few truly understand. Us small-town, I-knew-everyone-in-my-grade-school-class-and-we-are-still-friends people have heard of this far off place and simply know that we want to go there. Of course, this is our rebellious natures talking and not our conscious minds. The intelligent way to use our well-spent Catholic school tuition is to gather as much information about this distant land as we can before venturing blindly into the unknown.

Of course, that's the smart thing to do.

I am not one of those people. I was of the mindset that because I had visited this place before, several times in fact, that I would know exactly what to do, where to go, and how to blend right in with the masses. But I was sorely mistaken. Here, I have collected a set of rules that any smart person should follow.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm talking about the city - Chicago to be exact. I am a southwestern suburbanite born and raised who currently works in the city. I don't live there yet, but hopefully I will soon.

I think that covers everything.